Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Save money Find courage

      The easiest way to save money is to do it yourself. There so many things that we pay other people to do that we could do ourselves if we just take the time to learn about it first. I always seem to find people are scared about a small job to at their house that they could do if they just educate themselves. Like changing a light fixture. This is something that anyone can do with no electrical experience. Inside that box of the new fixture you'll find all the information you need to do it yourself.
   Is it that we don't have the self confidence to do something all by our selves. I'm sure the first time we tied our own shoes wasn't to difficult, but at some point in life doing things by ourselves becomes to hard. Everyone specializes instead of looking up and learning how to do something new we say to ourselves I can't do it. Then just call a stranger to take care of a minor problem or adjust something that we could have fixed in just a few minutes with a minimal amount of effort. 
  We have the power to learn anything we want to today. So why do so many people still say i can't do something. I understand there are factors like disability that would prevent an individual from completing a task at home, but everything we need to take care of every problem at home is on the Internet. Search YouTube to see videos of how to do whatever the tasks are that you need to get done. We don't even need to read anymore, but still the fear of doing something new stops us.
  My point is that if we take confidence in ourselves and find the answers we can do anything. At home at work or for your family members. At the end of the day I just want you to know that you can DO IT YOURSELF and save money.

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